About the woman, the idea and the bike...

Wondering who I am?
I'm a child of the 80s who has failed to settle down and gain 2.4 children or a picket fence and I doesn't have any plans to aquire them.
What I do have is a love of nature, a strong desire to see new places and bicycle. So that is what I love to do, ride my bike to new places, to see new things and eat cake. Often alone, sometimes with friends, sometimes with strangers but always for the love of the journey. Fast is nice, far is better.
So why this blog....i'm dyslexic, so me and words have always had an interesting relationship. I love them but they don't always love me back, they jump around and twist themselves up. But I wanted though to have a record of my attempt to do something bigger than anything i've done before.
I am going to attempt to ride from London to the land within the artic circle that is warming fast and might be very different within my life time. I want to reach the furthest North you can go in Europe by road, Nord Cape, 71.1695° N then I want to come back all without using a plane.
This blog is to document the ups, the downs and the challenges. To see if the things I'm worried about are the problems or if there is a completely different set of problem i've not even thought about yet.
I also want to shout into the void of the internet that this is possible. My bike is not fancy, though it's not terrible, i'm not insanely fit (or thin) or i'm not particularly fearless (i'm afraid of many, many things). I speak no language but English and I don't have a limitless budget....I just have a determination to go!
Now shall we begin?