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Day 7: Battling Nature

Today we headed East unfortunately the wind was headed west and as neither of us would give way we met and did battle for forward flow. Now I had been told not to cycle over the Oostraardersdyk because it is boring. Which I Imagine if you live in the Netherlands and see the birds, the grasses and flowers from well layed out and maintained cycle paths' all the time it is. For us from the crowded south east of the UK its kinda amazing.

What it is though is exposed, harshly and simple exposed when the wind blows against you there is not a single thing to deflect it from smacking you in the face. So we used each other. Team work was require to 'get it done' 1km, swap, 1km, swap. Riding second can only offer so much protection when you're added panniers to your bike which are as aero as a box, but if the person you follow has done the same it helps some. So despite some confusion on if we wanted to stop for a picnic (we both did but somehow both believed the other didn't, that what not touring together for 2 yrs causes) we made it back to the mainland and had lunch there. The wind persisted not quite as sharply but pretty determinedly, well there wasn't much to stop it on this flat, fertile plain. We did though make it to our destination 'mini-camping'! For those of you unfamiliar mini-camping isn't camping in minture with tiny tents and tiny showers its camping on a farm of similar. This was a couple of fields on a farm, the noises of sheep & cows much in evidence. It was nice.

There was a further paying drama but I let Hannah deal with it.... because she great.


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