Still heading for Dover
DAY 2 - started promptly but then was delayed as I packed, repacked and tested bike layout but eventually I set off travelling a mighty 5km to Ashford International to meet another friend who was also joining to ensure I actually left. I went back down the hill, it was a lot more pleasant in that direction.
After a small amount of getting confused in a park (there were a lot of signs) me and Ella met and set off. Now Ella does ride in a club for track or road but we met playing rugby and Ella is one of the most determined people I know, so no shirking on this day either! We set of steadily and stopped at a cafe for some breakfast, cycling is hungry work! It was lovely, good food, good company and I left my bloody water bottle behind! Day 2 and I’ve lost a key (though replaceable bit of kit). As one of my favourite heroines would say "fire trucking hell!" Anyway whilst seething inside with annoyance, we enjoyed a lovely day. The sea was strangely flat, not just no surf but barely a ripple.

It did rain but luckily over lunch because it emptied buckets! We got a little wet but luckily we'd run into Ella's neighbours who'd directed us to a food court with covers (I can only assume our mighty creator was running short on characters to include so placed the neighbours handily out of context). After lunch though we had to get out of Folkestone!! Why is that alarming you ask, as obviously we'd already successfully got out of a fair few places already. Well Folkestone is at sea level. East of Folkestone is cliffs, as we couldn't tunnel through them for obvious reasons we had to go up! Up steeply, up though I was already tired, and up we went. Ella was brilliant she did not complain, though I'm sure was no more thrilled than me, who did complain. I was making the most of having someone to complain too. We were rewarded with a lovely view!

As we headed for Dover past Epic A20 traffic jam we blissful enjoyed the down we had earned by all that up!
I was sad to part ways with Ella, who was headed back to London to appreciate that her wife had likely done all the packing for their trip to Cornwall. At least I hope she was appreciative as that sounds pretty great to me, someone who does the packing and goes on holiday with you! (If they did your packing and weren't also going, that sounds helpful but has quite a different vibe)
I am though living it up in Premier Inn luxury! (There is no camping in Dover) and Premier Inn let your bike stay in the room!

So me and the bike are enjoying a last relaxing UK night. Tomorrow we head Abroad!